Your Life Purpose There is a well worn cliché: "if you don't know where you are going, how do you know you have arrived when you get there?" Before I left New Zealand for the mission field where I accomplished much of what I set out to do, I attended an intensive Bible School course with a class of about 20 students. During a vacation time back in New Zealand I met up with one of my companions from this class and he told me that few really did anything after graduating. Then he told me that the students had been talking among themselves and saying I was the only one who knew what they were going to do and went out and did it. Mm. This is rather sad, but so true in every walk of life. So few really know what they want or are going to do. I am attracted to young people a lot. I like to encourage them (sometimes push them) to go out and achieve. I ask them things like: What are your goals in life? Sadly of all the ones I have asked this question less than 10% really have an answer. The others give me a blank look and say "I don't know".

We are all created with a sense of destiny. We are meant to do great things. You are meant to do great things. There is something you can all do that no one else can. That means if you don't fulfill your destiny, there will be a gap left in the world. But the question is: "Do YOU know where you are going in life?" Here are some thought provoking questions which perhaps will help you to realize you have a destiny: After I leave this planet, in what way would this world be a better place because I was once here? If I was to face my last few minutes on this earth right now, what would be my greatest regret? (What have I not done, that I know deep down I should have done, or be doing?) If I was to be given 6 weeks to live, what changes would I make right away? In other words, we were all born with a destiny or purpose to fulfill. Here is a tip to help you find your driving purpose in life: Find a blank sheet of paper and a pen/pencil. Take a few minutes alone, and find a quiet place where you will be uninterrupted. Now write down all the things you think you would like to do while on this planet. Everything that comes to mind should be noted down until you find yourself jotting down something with tears welling up in your eyes. NOW you have found your true main purpose in life (your passion). We all have:

The ability to influence. What kind of influence do you want to be to the world around you? As you touch those close to you, they touch others and on it goes. So your influence can affect multitudes.

The ability to be unique. No one else can copy you. You are special; you have something to contribute to the world around you that no one else can. What unique qualities do you notice in yourself? Are you sharing these with those around you or are you keeping them to yourself?

The ability to succeed and to live in abundance. The only thing that can change that is YOU and your thoughts. Are your thoughts and actions helping or hindering this purpose?

The ability to live in health. (Yes we ourselves have a huge influence on our bodies simply by the many choices we make as we journey through life So I challenge you today, find your purpose in life and then GO OUT AND DO IT
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